Top web design trends for 2024

Accurately predicting web design trends for 2024 is risky, but some are sure to continue or evolve. Here are a few:

Modular design

Block design is popular and is expected to grow stronger, offering versatility and ease of management.


More video, less text

Video content will continue to dominate, replacing long text and capturing users' attention more effectively.

Prominent titles

Large, eye-catching titles will become even more important to grab attention quickly.

Personalized illustrations

Unique illustrations will add personality and differentiation to web pages.


Innovative menus

Stepping out of the traditional with creative menus can make your site more interesting, although it is crucial to consider the user experience.


Mobile-optimized design will continue to be essential as more and more users access the internet from their devices.


Intensive use of color

Vibrant and contrasting colors will continue to trend, with a focus on legibility.


Making the most of space

Maximizing the use of space through color contrasts and internal separations will be key to effective design.

Horizontal scroll

Although not common, horizontal scroll may gain popularity in specific projects such as magazines.


Intelligent chatbots 

The use of chatbots will continue to grow, offering help and improving user interaction.



Take advantage of trends to stand out and bring creativity, ensuring that your site is functional and attractive in all possible configurations.