Internet Day 2024: Learn the history behind its commemoration every May 17th

Since the Internet took its first steps in 1969, it is now one of the 21st century's most important means of transmitting information around the world. The Internet can be found in almost every moment of life, from health or education to contact with family and friends, making it difficult to think of daily life without it.



World Internet Day is celebrated on May 17, an event that is celebrated in several countries with various acts and events such as conferences, colloquiums, discounts in stores, digital photography contests or the Internet Awards Gala.

This award is aimed at Spanish-speaking personalities who excelled in fields such as digital transformation, entrepreneurship and research, social networks or initiatives for the digital world of the elderly.

In October 2005, the initiative to celebrate World Internet Day was taken by the Association of Internet Users (AUI) and, after the success achieved by the call in Spain, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly was asked to establish the World Day, with the aim of taking global character.

Since then, May 17 has been an important date in the world calendar as Internet Day, which also commemorates the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), founded in 1969, and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1965.



World Internet Day, also known as Telecommunications and Information Society Day, is celebrated to commemorate the great transformation and good progress made by new technologies to improve the lives of citizens. However, there are still pending issues such as cybersecurity or digital rights, Internet access, among others.

Also, on May 17 it is remembered how this important tool, which changed the lives of several people, had its origin the ARPANET project, since in the 60s, the U.S. Ministry of Defense was trying to create a system that would connect the data of the first computers to facilitate the exchange of information.

Thus, in 1969, the first message was sent between two computers for the first time, and since then, the development of the network has not stopped, making the Internet an essential tool for everyone.



The United Nations recognizes Internet access as a fundamental human right of people, as well as freedom of expression.

The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) determines that the right of access to the Internet must ensure connectivity and universal access to the Internet infrastructure and to information and communication technology services that are equitable, accessible and of good quality.

In this way, states and nations around the world must guarantee unrestricted access to the Internet, among other fundamental human rights, as contemplated in their legal and juridical norms:

  • Promote universal access to the Internet to guarantee the enjoyment of human rights such as freedom of expression, education, health care and work.
  • Generate regulatory mechanisms that promote Internet access, especially in the most vulnerable populations, rural areas and areas far from urban centers.
  • Promote public access points to information and communication technologies.
  • Raise awareness among the population about the appropriate use of the Internet, as well as its benefits.
  • Ensure equitable access to the Internet for people with disabilities and the elderly.