Strengthening Personal Brand: strategies to build a distinctive professional identity

Discover Strategies to Create a Unique Professional Identity

In the Online Conference Series "Innovating the Legal Profession," organized by Wolters Kluwer Legal Software and the Illustrious Bar Association of Procurators of Madrid, the fourth session titled "Enhance Your Personal Brand: Strategies for Successful Procurators" focused on the importance of personal branding for procurators. This event provides valuable tools and insights for legal professionals in a digitalized world.


The Importance of Personal Branding

In this engaging webinar, Lidia Zommer highlighted the relevance of personal branding for procurators, explaining that "a brand is crucial for generating trust, as clients entrust very valuable assets and need to trust." A strong personal brand allows procurators to be known, remembered, and chosen by the right audiences. Zommer emphasized that it is not necessary to be extraordinary but to do something relevant in an extraordinary way. She also stressed the importance of strategic planning to build an effective personal brand.


Process for Developing a Personal Brand

During her presentation, the legal sector marketing expert outlined a clear and detailed process for developing a personal brand:


  • Evaluate the current situation, available resources, and the market.


  • Define SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) for the short, medium, and long term.

Relevant Audiences:

  • Identify and segment key people to attract and understand their concerns.

Unique Value:

  • Determine what makes you unique for your target audiences.

Message and Tone:

  • Establish what to communicate and how.

Action Plan:

  • Define specific actions to be taken, including what, when, and how.

Zommer also proposed conducting a SWOT analysis to strengthen the personal brand by identifying weaknesses, threats, strengths, and opportunities. She also listed several objectives that procurators can achieve with a well-defined personal brand, such as increasing influence, attracting more and better clients, raising service prices, gaining promotions, or even changing departments.


Value Proposition and Social Media

The value proposition should clearly explain what specific needs or problems are solved and what benefits are offered to clients, differentiating from the competition. The webinar also addressed the use of social media as part of an integral strategy to generate recognition and establish trust relationships. Zommer offered three fundamental pillars for LinkedIn: professional prestige, attractive value proposition, and trust relationships.

"Without strategy, you don't know how to define yourself, whom to contact, or what content to share," the speaker indicated, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning in legal communication and marketing.