Top 10 most demanded digital communication services in Spain

  • Advertising, media planning, digital strategy and public relations lead the general services most demanded by companies in Spain, 55%.
  • Web creation, events, social networks, eCommerce and web analytics account for 24% of services demanded.
  • Some digital services that have not yet taken off, such as 3D technology or motion graphics and animations, account for only 1% of the total investment.
  • In the last 3 months, the value of campaigns attributed in agency tenders through Sortlist exceeds 63 million euros. Energy (8%), education (6%) and retail (5%) lead the projects with the highest overall investment.

The level of digital competitiveness of an economy is often associated with its productivity. In fact, there is a strong positive correlation between the productivity of a country or company and its degree of digitization. For this reason, in recent years organizations have embarked on digitally transforming their services. Sortlist, a digital platform that connects communication, advertising and public relations agencies with companies looking for digital and communication services, reveals the most demanded digital services in Spain.

According to data provided by Sortlist, advertising, media planning, digital strategy and public relations lead the general services most demanded by companies in Spain, 55% of total requests. Followed by more specific services such as web creation, events, social networks, eCommerce and web analytics, 24% of services demanded.

“Although in each country the conditions that facilitate the shift to the digital environment are different, the truth is that the services most in demand by companies around the world are repeated quite often,” says Macarena Vayá, general manager of Sortlist Spain. In this sense, advertising, media planning, digital strategy and public relations are also endorsed as the most demanded services worldwide, 48% of the total number of jobs managed by Sortlist.

On the other hand, while Spain continues to focus on eCommerce and web analytics as important services to take into account in the digital strategy, globally, services such as the creation and design of mobile apps or the content strategy itself are, together with the creation of websites, events and social networks, the leaders of digital services, 26% of the total number of projects.


Global digitalization

Sortlist, which has more than 4,700 agencies and has managed more than twenty thousand projects worldwide since its creation, clarifies several important aspects about digital investment in Spain. “Until recently, Spanish companies' revenues from the online environment were relatively low, and it was the U.S. and Northern European countries that made the difference. As this has changed, the digital services demanded have also become more equal,” says Macarena Vayá.

Globally, in the last 3 months, the value of campaigns attributed in agency tenders through Sortlist exceeds 63 million euros.  Energy (8%), education (6%) and retail (5%) lead the projects with the highest investment.  In Spain, investment in the last quarter was around 5 million euros. Tourism (7.6%), food (6.9%) and technology (5.8%) are the most active sectors.   

Also, from this Sortlist study more relevant conclusions can be drawn both globally and nationally, as there are some digital services that have not just taken off, such as 3D technology, or graphics and motion animations, which barely account for 1% of total investment.

Digital transformation has been key for companies in recent years, but nowadays the tools are not as important as the planning and advice itself,” says Macarena. “For this reason, we offer a platform that finds the perfect agency for each project, adapting to the client's needs and offering quality solutions.”